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Our Work

Toi Rāwhiti is working towards becoming a legal entity which will enable even greater determination and advancement of our vision for Toi Ora.

We are in the early stages of our development, but we have big dreams and an even bigger drive to effect purposeful transformation of Toi Rāwhiti that will see our people flourish!

Here is a snapshot of some of the work we have been progressing in an effort to demonstrate what it looks like when iwi lead!

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Local film producer and journalist Kim Webby joined Toi Rāwhiti and Pāperiana at a recently held healing wānanga at Iramoko Marae with the cultural guidance and support of Dr Pouroto Ngaropo and his whānau. Filmed for Te Ao with Moana, this story captures the voice of gang whānau residing in Toi Rāwhiti and highlights the importance of the work that Pauline Taiatini, Kylie Poihipi and Waha Allison are doing to support the healing of their Barbarian chapter fourteen months on since the murder of Tiwana Taiatini.

Toi Rāwhiti acknowledge that our collective vision of Toi Ora - absolute wellbeing is for absolutely everybody living in Toi Rāwhiti. Our people are all mokopuna of Toi. As iwi, we must work collaboratively and in unity for the betterment of our mokopuna, our future generations.


Check out this episode on Te Ao with Moana, screening Monday 21st October at 8.00pm.


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7-11 October 2024

What a great week we had in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Te Whānau, the Te Kaha Medical Centre, Te Kura o Te Whānau a Apanui and Youth with a Mission as we hosted a week of free Toi Ora clinics, bringing hauora services to our community!


Partnering for outcomes

We have partnered with Youth With a Mission and invested in them, so that they can invest in our community. This year we have held 4 clinics in Ōpōtiki, Torere and have supported just over 200 residents of Toi Rāwhiti to receive free dental care treatments, including extractions, restorations and hygiene cleans. We are currently compiling an impact report so that we can advocate for even more investment from Te Whatu Ora to support greater provision as we know that there are still so many of our whānau that require access to free dental care.

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Ōpōtiki District Council

Toi Rāwhiti is politically advocating for our constitutional rights to be upheld in the current local government representation review. Toi Rāwhiti urge the Opotiki District Council to honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi and uphold the minimum standards as outlined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


Dr Heather Came & Associates

Toi Rāwhiti hosted a Toitū te Tiriti Critical Tiriti Analysis workshop at Te Kura o Te Whānau a Apanui in Te Kaha in April. It was from this workshop, that we conducted a retrospective CTA review on the Representation Review process. This in turn, kickstarted out efforts in ensuring that mana whenua rights are upheld and recognised.



Realising our people's potential

What does it mean when we say Mana Atua? Mana Whenua? Mana Moana? Mana Tangata? Mana Motuhake? We are asking these very critical questions when it comes to thinking about how we build our people, our community and their potential - not as slaves to a system, but as rangatira, fully possessed of their mana and mauri - flourishing now and in the future. 


Putting care back into healthcare

Delivery of primary care services in Toi Rāwhiti is not fit for purpose, sustainably funded, nor meeting whānau and community needs. This has led to inequitable health and wellbeing outcomes for all people living in Toi Rāwhiti. Join Toi Rāwhiti as we aim to lead a review of our local health system and seek to define, determine and decide what must be different to realise Toi Ora and meet the needs of current and future generations.

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